12: Beratung nach Belieben

Die Wissenschaft wirkt in ihrer akademischen Vertretung, die solche Grundsatzerklärungen verabschiedet, unglaublich naiv, wenn sie unterstellt, in der Politik kümmere sich irgend jemand um solche Ideale wissenschaftlich adäquater Berücksichtigung von Einwänden.

Wissenschaft; Politik; Objektivität;

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252: Anything said is said by an observer

Anything said is said by an observer. In his discourse the observer speaks to another observer, who could be himself; whatever applies to the one applies to the other as well. The observer is a human being, that is a living system, and whatever applies to living systems applies also to him.

Wissenschaft; Politik; Objektivität;

{Maturana:Autopoiesis} 'Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela' (1980) : Autopoiesis and Cognition

253: The observer is a living system

The observer is a living system and an understanding of cognition as a biological phenomenon must account for the observer and his role in it.

Wissenschaft; Politik; Objektivität;

{Maturana:Autopoiesis} 'Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela' (1980) : Autopoiesis and Cognition