Clausewitz and IT Security
In 1832 the Prussian officer Carl von Clausewitz got his ground breaking book On War published by his widow. His opus magnum was written after he served as an officer in the Prussian general staff, fighting against the tyranny of the murderous French dictator Napoleon.
Instead of just giving some recipes for conducting war, Clausewitz was the first to reflect on war using scientific methods. He analysed the political theory and practice behind leading wars but also analysed how wars are conducted. He introduced the theory of strategic and tactical methods and how they affect the art of war.
In this talk I will use Clausewitz’s theory of war and apply it to the modern phenomenon of IT security. But I will not limit it down to the buzzword of cyberwar. Instead I will try to draw lessons that are still applicable to IT security. This is useful and required urgently to set up a doctrine and strategic framework to enhance IT security globally.